Dec 21, 2013

Happy Adoption Day!

What a year it's been!  This is naturally the time of year that most of us look back and reflect on the past  year, but it carries a little more meaning for us this year.  Right about this time last year, Grant officially became a Widhalm!  I say, "right about" because we were actually in court on December 20th, the last day court was in session prior to the holiday but the paperwork wasn't actually filed and "official" until after Christmas, on the 26th.  So technically, I suppose the actual adoption wasn't final until the 26th but we were already feeling official and celebrating on the 20th.  

Grant's story is pretty amazing and very close to my heart, of course.  God definitely was the orchestrator of this beautiful boy being part of our family and we couldn't be more honored and blessed.  Maybe one day I'll share it with you, but tonight I just want to celebrate the joy of our adoption and cherish the moment when we knew that he really was ours forever.

Widhalm, Party of SIX! 

After the hearing, we took some pictures
at Stone Chapel on Drury's campus.

Each of the boys have a special buddy from Build-a-Bear, so
we headed right over for the big brothers to make one
for Grant.

They each chose a heart, rubbed them to make sure it would
always be warm and snuggly….

and filled them with lots of love and kisses.

Until he was filled to the brim with love and was stuffed just
right for a perfect baby brother.

He's already getting lots of hugs & kisses!  Grant loves
his puppy and sleeps with him every night.

All the boys wore this fun hat and I still love it.
Seemed like a perfect accessory for the day. :)

What a super great day it was!  It was the perfect beginning to the holiday last year and will make this time of year extra special from now on.

It's been a year of learning, growing, and adjusting ~ just like any other family.  I learned that no adoptions are "easy", regardless of the situation or circumstance.  There is loss, gain, joy & heartache all wrapped up into one….so much like the birth of a biological child and yet also very different.  In the end, they are ALL worth it.  Biological or adopted ~ they are ours and they are each worth every moment of struggle and heartache it takes to be the parents God has called us to be.

Grant William Emilio Widhalm is an incredible blessing!  He fits right into this all-boy crew and none of us would even know how to breathe without him.  It was God's plan for him to be the baby of this family and we are so excited to watch him grow, learn about his Savior and see what it is that God has for him.

Happy Adoption Day, sweet boy!  Mommy, Daddy & all your brothers love you more than you may ever know.  We are incredibly honored and blessed to be yours and for you to be ours!


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