Nov 28, 2013

Happy Hanukkah!

Wednesday evening was the beginning of Hanukkah and it was so much fun!  The boys have been anxiously awaiting this holiday that is fairly new to us.  This is the third year that we've celebrated and each year they love it more and more.  They love lighting the candles each evening and the other new traditions we have started.  This year, for the first time, we invited another family over to share dinner and some fun with.

It was a really relaxed, fun evening.  Logan came over a few hours before dinner for some extra playtime.  I'm sure that part of the celebration will be requested again next year!  While the kids played, I got the food together.  The menu was roast chicken, fried venison, baked sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, carrots, and salad.  Dessert was apple crisp and a Hanukkah favorite ~ fried donuts.  The kids were so excited about the donuts.  They have significance to the celebration, but I think it's funny because they are so simple and easy - and they aren't even really donuts, but they just love them!  

One of the things I love about celebrating Hanukkah is that it is so simple.  No fuss.  No rush.  No stress.  Just special, quiet time with family and friends that is focused on Christ.  It has been a huge blessing and we've learned so much.  I'm so thankful that God led us to this place.

After dinner,  we lit the menorah, ate dessert, read
scripture and discussed how we can apply the
lessons of Hanukkah to our lives.

After we lit the candles, read and discussed scripture, we watched a DVD that told the story of the Macabees and how the Jewish people rebuilt and cleaned the temple after it had been defiled by the Syrians.  The kids weren't happy when it was all over and we hadn't had time to play with the dreidels.  Hopefully, we'll have some time before Hannukah is over to get together with Logan and do that.   It was a great evening and we're looking forward to the rest of the week!

Ok.  I know that if you know me and my family, you are likely wondering why in the world we are celebrating Hanukkah in the first place.  Stayed tuned.  The answer isn't a short one, but it's coming.  

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