Nov 29, 2013

What's Up With Hanukkah? And..Happy Thanksgiving!

I've debated whether or not to even write about this here, because I truly do not want to spark a debate or come across as being judgemental or offensive to anyone, especially our extended family, in any way.   My heart doesn't want you to think I've lost my mind.  I'm a people-pleaser and I HATE it when I feel like the people I love aren't happy with me.  I'm working on that, but it's a work in progress.

Just please remember that the primary reason I started this blog is to have a place to write about what our family is doing, keep up with pictures of my kids and print them periodically.  I could've chosen to keep it private - for my eyes only.  Maybe  I should've thought through that a little better.   (Sigh)   Oh well, here we are.  I chose not to keep it private only because I thought that I had some family and friends that would enjoy seeing the kids' pictures and reading about their antics.  I mean, really, they are pretty wonderful and I love 'em so much I just wanted to share them.  What that means is that you are getting a glimpse into my home and my heart.  The way life really is here.  Mostly, that's fun for me.  Sometimes, it's a little scary.  However, if I expect my boys to be able to be transparent and honest even when it's hard, then I'd better be able to do the same.

I want our holiday photos included in the published outcome of all this, so that means I need to post them.  But, I know when I post them, they are going to create questions if I haven't shared my heart, so that's what I decided to do.  Writing where our hearts are will also create a black and white, printed copy on paper that the boys will have someday if they need to remember what their mom & dad were thinking at this time in their lives and why we made these decisions.  In the end, it will be a good thing.

The situation with holidays and learning about the Feasts in scripture has actually been a very long process.  It started at least three years ago, so it's impossible to explain it in three paragraphs.  For that reason, I'm going to divide it up and just post a little bit every day over the next week or so, while we're celebrating Hanukkah.  If you don't want to know about it, just skip it.  Hopefully, if you decide to read them, you'll understand where we're coming from.  We can agree to disagree if we need to - that's fine with me.

In the meantime ~ today is Thanksgiving.  My list of blessings is so incredibly long.  We've been blessed by our Creator beyond measure, and I'm ever so grateful.  Why He loves us so, I'm not sure I understand, but I'm so glad that He does!  I pray that today you found yourself blessed as well, and enjoying your family and friends.

Today, I was blessed to spend some time with Emily, Grant's biological mom.  She's a precious soul and someone that I will be forever thankful for.  Without her, I wouldn't be the mother of 4 boys.  In a million years, I never would have expected to find myself in this place.  One day, I'll write about that, I'm sure.  Today though, I'm not worrying about all that.  Today, I'm just thankful for Emily, who she is, and what she means to me and this family.  It's indescribable.

Emily & Me
Thanksgiving ~ 2013

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