Nov 7, 2013

He's a Hunter

Carter has been patiently waiting for the youth deer hunting weekend for a year now.  He wanted to go last year, but we just couldn't make it happen.  This year, it was THE priority of this particular weekend.  Doug took a day off work, we skipped out on flag football games, Jackson missed a youth event at church, and of course we missed Sunday worship just so Carter could have his turn in the woods.

All ready to go!

Saturday was a great day for catch with Papa!
We headed to Dad's Thursday evening.  Friday, Dad and Doug took Carter for some target practice.
 He's loved guns and shooting for a while now, but seldom gets to go.  He really hasn't had much experience yet.  But, Wow!  This kid was a perfect shot even in target practice with guns he'd never fired before.  He was SO proud...and so were we.  From about 60 yards, he hit the center target with every shot.  He shot with two different guns, a .22 and a .223 and he nailed every single shot with both guns.  He was beaming!  When he brought in his target to show his Aunt Kaye, Great Grandma Treva and I...and, of course, his brothers...he just couldn't stop smiling.

View from the backporch
Jackson, Harrison, Grant and I stayed at Aunt Kaye's so that the hunters had Dad's house to themselves.  We got to enjoy a great afternoon playing catch, hide and seek, and hanging out with Grandma.  I love going home.  Aunt Kaye's house is and always has been one of my favorite places to be.  The house they live in now is not the same one as when I was a little girl, but I still love it.  The back yard is better than a park ~ it's beautiful, complete with a big pond w/geese and ducks, stocked full of fish, lots of room to run and play ~ and we don't have to share.  Coffee on the backporch has become a morning tradition I adore.

Jackson and I enjoyed a walk around the pond with Grandma and Aunt Kaye.
Harrison and I riding 4-wheelers

Saturday morning, he headed out early to a piece of acreage Uncle Homer owns.  Bless his heart, he sat in the blind for about 4 hours and nearly froze.  Doug finally brought him home.  He'd seen three, but wasn't able to get a shot.  Doug took him back out that afternoon and evening, too.  They didn't see anything else.  He was really tired and a little disappointed.  After a day of no luck, he decided he didn't want to get up so early the next day.  So mid-morning on Sunday, they went back to Grandma Hammond's field, but didn't see anything but a coyote.  That afternoon, about 2:30pm, his Papa Rod and Doug took him out one last time.  They sat a couple hours and were ready to head home around 5:00pm, when Papa spotted a doe.  Carter got his gun set and fired one shot.  He killed her clean and she dropped in her tracks.

All ready, but nothing to shoot
Back at the house, everyone was gathered up at Aunt Kaye's waiting.  I was getting a little restless since it had gotten dark and seemed like they should've been home.  Carter is such a sweet spirit and an animal lover, that I wasn't sure how he would handle things if he actually did kill one.  Finally, he came running in the front door, head in his hands and sobbing.  I wasn't sure what was wrong.  With his head buried in my chest and arms wrapped around me, I couldn't quite figure out if he was upset because he killed one or upset because he didn't.  After a little prodding, he finally jumped up and shouted, "I killed a deer!", which was quickly followed by lots of giggling.  The little squirt had gotten me and he thought it was absolutely hilarious.  Everyone went from worried and concerned to cheering and clapping for our successful hunter!  Of course, everyone quickly jumped up and headed out to see his prize.

He came in hungry!

He was so excited, he could hardly stand it!  Before he could go help the men take care of his bounty, though, the mighty hunter had to fill his tummy.  Good thing Aunt Kaye was prepared!  Everyone soon headed to the barn, where the men hung it and everyone pitched in a little bit to get the job done.  It was late before we left and nearly midnight when we got home, but it was so worth it.  Everyone had a great time and made lots of great memories with the people we love the very most.  Can't wait to do it again!

Carter and his first deer

Harrison, Grant, Carter & Jackson

A team effort by Papa Rod, Doug & Carter


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